Gurbax Sahota

总统 & CALED首席执行官

Gurbax Sahota is an experienced association professional who believes in the importance 和 need to collaborate 和 create meaningful partnerships in order to accomplish the goal of creating healthy, 富有的社区. She turns this belief into action by bringing together 和 leading multiple organizations aligned with the goal of helping businesses thrive in California. Gurbax在CALED担任高级职位, 澳门皇家堵场上线啦经济发展学院, 以及澳门皇家堵场上线啦企业发展局. 古尔巴克斯正在利用她对深思熟虑的领导的承诺, 组织研究知识, 和 her communications background to deliver on the missions of these organizations, 确保他们的业务蓬勃发展和可持续发展, 并在CALED建立一支高效的团队.

作为总统 & CALED首席执行官, she is focused on creating strategic partnerships to promote the value of economic development 和 create a stronger voice for economic developers at the state 和 local level. 另外, having raised funds 和 创建 sustainable financial practices for all three organizations, she has laid a strong foundation for CALED so we can continue to provide services 和 benefits to economic developers across the state.

从CALED一路爬上来, Gurbax研究过的, 创建, or had a significant role in most of our successes over the past sixteen plus years. 她的一些直接成就包括:

  • Invigorated 澳门皇家堵场上线啦经济发展学院 (学院) from its minimal role a pass-through funding organization to a vibrant non-profit that has an active mission to support education, research 和 innovation in economic development 和 a budget to deliver on the goals approved by the Academy’s Board of Regents.
  • Fostered the growth of the 澳门皇家堵场上线啦企业发展局 (CEDA) by building 和 maintaining relationships with strategic business partners, as well as investing in the right support team to take advantage of new business opportunities as they become available, 例如CEDA的商业PACE项目的开发.
  • Originated 和 implemented the creation of meaningful publications to support economic development in California, 包括:
    • 蓬勃发展的农村经济发展公司
    • 澳门皇家堵场上线啦新税收增量融资工具初探
    • 澳门皇家堵场上线啦农村基础设施融资指南
  • 领导发展 & launch of a California-specific Economic Development Certification – the Accredited California Economic Developer Certification (ACE)
  • 发达 & 确定了学院纪念奖学金计划的资金来源.
  • Brokered a partnership to create 和 share an economic development focused quarterly California economic snapshot
  • Revived CALED’s advocacy role through the adoption of a board Legislative Action Policy, 成立立法行动委员会, 和 by contracting with a knowledgeable advocacy partner to create a strategic 和 effective approach that has led to multiple legislative successes since she was named CALED’s CEO.

Gurbax’s ability to build relationships has put CALED at the table to ensure California’s economic developers voice a role at the federal, 州和地方两级. She is happy to be part of the CALED team 和 a member of California’s economic development network.



作为项目经理, Helen contributes to CALED’s team by managing activities under CALED’s 和 澳门皇家堵场上线啦经济发展学院’s training programs such as the Keys to Economic Development 和 高级经济发展研究所 as well as the Accredited California Economic Developer (ACE) program. 此外,她还管理周三网络研讨会和智胜灾难运动. Helen brings a mix of local non-profit 和 private sector experience to her role from her prior positions within a large technology company 和 supporting local economic development as a senior researcher within a regional economic development corporation.



米歇尔是CALED及其附属机构的项目主管. 作为项目总监, she is the in-house economic development practitioner for CALED 和 the lead for the 项目开发 & 金融(PD&F)部门. She also promotes CALED’s economic development finance tools through the 澳门皇家堵场上线啦企业发展局 (CEDA) 和 its products; Industrial Development Bonds, 501c3非营利性融资, 以及协助新发展债券(BAND)计划.

Michelle completed her undergrad at UC Davis 和 received her Master’s in Community & 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的区域规划. She was a fellow with the International Economic Development Council in Washington DC before moving back to her native California to work on improving the economic opportunities for communities.


会员 & 农村交流协调员

作为会员 & 农村交流协调员, 劳拉负责CALED的会员运营和推广工作, 担任CALED农村交流项目负责人, 并在关键领域为首席执行官提供支持. Laura brings a wealth of experience in local economic development having served as executive director 和 a consultant for cities, 非营利基金会和市区协会工作了30多年.



作为办公室助理, Patty is responsible for supporting office operations 和 administration to ensure the success of CALED, 学院, 和CEDA.  She also helps deliver our mission by assisting with CALED’s Annual Training Conference, 维护供应商关系, 和, 如果你碰巧来看澳门皇家堵场上线啦, 她将是你看到的第一张笑脸. Patty has years of customer service experience 和 uses those skills at CALED to support our members 和 our staff.



作为数据库协调器, Ian supports CALED’s economic development programs through reviewing 和 maintaining the organization’s database software, where he helps with projects including membership dues billing 和 professional certification tracking. Ian brings experience from a variety of non-profit 和 private arts organizations, 他在哪里帮助管理他们的信息系统和数据.